Sweet, sweet karma.

Why would you just assume someone is mentally ill? If he had any illness, it’s alcoholism. Possibly bipolar? And I wish him all the best in his recovery, if that is what he desires for his life. I hope spending the day in the drunk tank will make him think twice before doing that again. But we did nothing to deserve his aggression, and yes, it did make me smile knowing a raging drunk man was off the streets. I was lucky enough to have a man with me. Some other woman might not have been. I have no idea what happened in that hour, but I’d take a fat bet he was acting like an asshole to other people, too. The guy could have had a weapon, the guy could have done something to one of us physically, being in that altered state. So yes. Seeing karma take place made us smile. That’s what you get for walking around acting like a total asshat. Drunk or not, homeless or not. Doesn’t matter. You don’t just get to go around verbally assaulting strangers for no reason, no matter what the circumstances. Homeless, drunk, or mentally ill or not. Mildly excusable in someone who is mentally ill, but still not right.

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