Activision/Bungie is trying to push our limits with the silver dust microtransactions to see how much most players are willing to pay for cosmetics. Remember guys: Vote with your wallet. Not buying radiant treasure is the best way to make them know you dislike the current system.

I'm totally down with OP's original message: "Vote with your wallet," but the bullshit whining going on in here, that it'll take 6 months to a YEAR to obtain the content without purchasing it, is 100% inaccurate and completely ridiculous. The average guardian will have the means to upgrade all of their year 3 armor within 2 months of the expansion dropping, PENDING that they complete the three heroic strikes each week and that RNGesus doesn't take an unbelievably unlucky shit on them.

I really don't know what I expected trying to be logical in a post made for bitching, but I can't understand what people are bitching about. You can get EVERY micro-transaction FOR FREE if you grind it out, just like we do for EVERY OTHER item in this game. Or maybe we all just got used to Bungo handing out Gjallarhorns.

If you pretend that the micro-transactions don't exist, then you have the exact outcome that you were all looking for. You'll have to grind it out, just like you currently have to, for those items. This is why I can't wrap my head around half the comments in here.

We approved of the micro-transactions when they first dropped because it was said that they would be used to directly fund content. Bungo said they would offer content that's purely cosmetic, and that's exactly what they've done. On top of that, they even made it so players who didn't want to pay for, or couldn't afford to pay for, the purely cosmetic content weren't left out and made a way for players to earn that content just by playing the game. Jesus Christ, everyone grab your Pitchforks and Torches! We're gonna have to grind for 6 weeks to get all the shit we wanted! I mean, that has to be why you're all pissed, right?, It COULDN'T be because the option to support content and good ol' Bungo, an option which we've all been pretty accepting of, exists, right? .................

Fuck this sob fest. We have bigger issues to address as a community. Example: Asshole captains are teleporting through the god damn wall during the Aksis fight, Players are passing over crests in supremacy but can't pick them up whenever the game as intermediate to severe lag, and lastly, my own personal bitch while we're complaining about nonsensical crap: Invisible walls are preventing me from exploring some ridiculous areas I've been able to platform to, located outside of Felwinter Peak's gates.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find a place to store all these bottles of tears I've collected.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread