Firstly, I will skip the "find role-models in your friends or family", thought applicable, it's a dated argument which doesn't always hold true.

They themselves claim that their onscreen persona holds no significance when the cameras are off. What we get when we see them on youtube is merely a non interactable source of comedy and opinions that tend towards the neutral ground of things since they always try not to take any side in an argument. While this makes for good podcasts and perspective it also creates a "one dimensional" view of said persona with no true deepness in character. So holding said one dimensional character to such a standart results in this exact situation in which the person behind said persona shares his/her thoughts on a controversial matter that contrast so deeply with yours that you >have to question why you looked up to them in the first place.

I really don't know if I'm making my point across but think of this:

In a world that is made of tiny blacks and whites all mushed into gray, one should try to perceive both colours and not just the "one dimensional" gray

/r/funhaus Thread Parent Link - youtube.com