Adam Schiff: DOJ must share Mueller evidence since they shared Clinton emails. The House Intelligence chairman will go to court if necessary to get Robert Mueller's report and evidence.

Look up Al Capone; a legendary deadly Chicago gangster, he was known to get others to do all the dirty work for him. He was never convicted of any of this, Valentine's Day massacre, etc., but the thing they got him on was tax evasion of all things. He spent his life in prison, being released only near death. But everyone around him was, as I recall, convicted for murder and so many other crimes. So to your question - I never claimed Trump himself colluded, though I certainly think his people possibly did, and likely by ignorance or hubris. I am saying the guy is such a mob boss; everyone around him did/does his dirty work and he is culpable and must be made accountable for that, maybe via his taxes, Cohen, his son or son in law.

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