ADC needs help understanding junglers.

Im gonna resond to this and the post you made earlier.

Why should we not expect a Vi gank at her lvl 3? I mean flash Q is pretty much the biggest gap-closer at that point and the damage is quite nice there and usually enough to kill a support or adc if your laner isnt lets say a kogmaw who cant follow that engage up. (A minor flaw i see when saying that) Same applies for fiddlesticks. His pre 6 ganks arnt as bad as ppl lead you to believe.

Now im going to address something which might look a little bit weird when seeing ppl like Trick2g on udyr who just farms up and goes full annoy mode lategame and thus carries but generally its not the junglers job to carry lategame. Now what does that mean? If the jungler doesnt carry the lategame what does he do? He does stuff early and midgame. Now it might look like a platitude this "blame the jungler" thing but if the jungler does nothing hes just useless in the game because all that farm doesnt benefit the team the later the game goes. Sejuani doesnt carry lategame, neither does gragas, neither does nocturne, you ADC and APC, however, will carry lategame. So saying "the jungler is not there to 'service' you" while not incorrect makes it seem like doing nothing and just staying in the jungle farming is a solid tactic for a jungler, which is wrong. Now I dont mean to say that the jungler is there to service the adc or the apc but he is there to service someone and do something what you could call an objective for the jungler and farming isnt an objective. Now this makes it seem like carryjunglers dont exist anymore and that junglers are doomed to play the early game correct and how dare I say this. Well, if you look at proplay you will soon realise, that every gank a jungler does and every route of farming applies to a certain scenario and the fact that he ganks or farms is not by chance and certainly he does not choose one or the other to a full extend but the curcial part of what you see in proplay is that junglers will always try to get something for their team rather than farm for themselves and if that means giving up your whole topside jungle to the enemy nunu to get 3 deepwards in the enemies red or blueside jungle, then so be it.

To make it short, a jungler is a support more than a carry.

Now to the "It is a bad idea to push your lane between level 2-4." Part. Ofcourse it makes you an easier target for riverside ganks if you are pushed up as an adc but there are scenrios where getting pushed in or holding the wave even just isnt as effective and thus not the most efficient way of playing the game. If you are playing graves into lucian then youd be a very bad graves if you ever let that lucian push you in and it would limit the amout of lanepressure you have. Now it is common sence that you might get ganked because at some point the enemy jungler will see that you are pushing and maybe the enemy botlane will cry for help. And as soon as you as an adc or support sense or expect or whatever that you are maybe going to be ganked soon, share the information with the jungler and tell him to countergank (this expectation of getting ganked must be based on rational reason and gameknowledge like vision etc. dont just say that you feel like you are getting ganked every 50 seconds) And as soon as that information is passed to the jungler he must act accordingly, either he tells them that hes counterganking or staying close to the lane or he ganks somewhere else or forces something (this applies to every lane). Just saying that you should play passive so you wont get ganked is an incredible misunderstanding of how the game is played efficiently, because by only playing passive you just lose slower than by misplaying alot.

Summary: Not pushing is simply not always an option because it simply isnt always the most effiecient playstyle. If everybody always plays passive you just lose very slowly rahter than win by time.

Now I know your adive has a certain background, which is the fact that its soloq and thus you can not expect the same competence by every player and certainly not the same communication as in proplay but since proplay is benchmark playing according to new rules while in the same realm is simply denying truth.

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