Adult trypanophobia

This isn’t funny to me at all ): I have a diagnosed phobia of needles to the point that I will hyperventilate, vomit, sob hysterically, and pass out.

I had to watch a documentary on vaccines in one of my classes once. I barely made it out of the classroom before puking like crazy in the bathroom.

It’s been like this since I was a child. I once had seven people sit on me to get an IV in.

I’m a grown adult and it’s humiliating. The worst is when medical staff act bitchy and annoyed or even mock me. I cannot help it. The reaction takes over my body and I feel like I’m going to die. No amount of therapy or anxiety meds has helped.

I have had to be heavily drugged with oral sedatives before to get an IV.

/r/WatchPeopleDieInside Thread Link -