Adults should be able to have a Dr legally euthanize them peacefully because they are depressed and want to die.

Wow. Someone is depressed and you don’t further their depression by violence and aggression. You clearly lack the human touch, and if these discussions bother you so, you should evade it since you can’t handle this emotionally, especially for the sake of the person you are talking to. It’s not progressive and you need to stay the fuck away from depressed people if this sets you off already to want to kick someone you don’t know.

I’m sorry, OP, that you are going through this. I have to admit, so long as bullies exist and the murderers who killed my dad are roaming free from justice, my mental health state is usually very debilitated from this fact. I see a doctor and take anti-psychotic meds to not act on revenge and anger, as well as not listening to my other voices (I have multiple voices telling me what I want to do.) It is a fight everyday for me, while I cower in the bathtub or in the bed, shaking and struggling to not feel this way. The only thing I can do is take it little by little every day and hope that I am stronger for it.

Sending you my love and wishing you well

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