After all that has transpired, I'm not convinced MaydayPAC is the way forward.

Oh, you didn't reply to either of us or actually tag us in your post, so there's no way for us to know you responded. Are you the dedicated social media guy for MAYDAY? OK, and what about expensive ads? And what about waving signs around? The truth is, TV ads and mailers help, but are not as effective as personal conversations with voters. And waving signs around might get some media attention, but it's also not the effective political action that gets out the vote for reformers.

I detect a thinly veiled dig. Perhaps I should elaborate.

My project was about making a connection to injuriously underreported issues on a direct community level.

Our first project was set to be a design series of recognizable symbols that informed people within a community if they lived in an area that was gerrymandered, or had been redistricted as to dilute the potency of their vote, or subject to onerous voter ID laws by race, or subject to some other brand of disenfranchisement.

Maybe this way they could better realize that the place they heard about on the news that had been redistricted into the shape of a preztel? They live there. They have a persistent visual reminder.

If those designs looked pretty good, and did what they were supposed to, and I had a company like Supreme put them on a t-shirt, and kids/millennials bought it and, and some of them learned about what the fuck was going on with voter's rights in this country, and some of them tell their friends, well, I think that would generally be considered effective political action, if atypical.

You don't know anything about my project. Just what little I mentioned, that I mentioned to encourage a fellow disaffected MAYDAY supporter to define their own political agency through, what I hope was taken as, a pretty modest telling of how and why I tried something new to get people to care more about politics.

I, however, actually know a lot about about MAYDAY.

I watched you waste more than ten million dollars of other people's money trying to work a strategy that was, almost amusingly, both incredibly childish and stubbornly donnish. Every decision illustrating an inability, unwillingness or inflexibility to successfully pivot strategically or examine failure honestly.

And only once you were in the geographic center of total failure, you empowered Mr. Lessig - or he empowered himself - to leave MAYDAY to...... Run For President. Then he didn't. Then he did. Or not.

Let's see if I can find his response to a question I asked during his AMA with Jimmy Wales. I remember it because a reporter at VOX used it as the kicker in an article about Lessig's running for high office.

Here it is.

If you can't deliver results and you're not going to autopsy consistent failure, and patently reject any form of accountability, you strip away the irony of your "Super PAC to attack Super PACs" ethos. You become just another bright-white collar job-and-title shop for U Street naïfs six years out of Northwestern to park a salary until the next opportunity.

/r/MaydayPAC Thread Parent