After the anime confirmed unohanas ability and full strength:

No, the Japanese text has her directly say Ichigo should be capable of creating a path similar to hers right after Ichigo says a captain's reiatsu is so nice and neat

So, no other captain other than her can create a path in garganta??

She telling that ichigo should be able to make a path isn't about him being Stronger than her, it's that he has "captain class reiatsu". Fun fact, ikkaku and renji were also captain class shinigamis. I hope you don't mean to say that all the captains aside from Yama and aizen are just ikkaku and pre RG renji's reiatsu levels, right??

The "captain class" reiatsu is a distinguisher of reii grade 3 or above reishi classification. Ichigo with his half reiatsu already qualified as a captain class reiatsu which can be anything from ikkaku (or other strong Lieutenants) to any medium level captains.

Even characters like shunsui and ukitake are captain class, and we know barring aizen and Yama (and post muken zaraki) ukitake had the highest reiatsu in the SS due to him hosting mimihagi (hence 2 sources of reiatsu).

Urahara, renji and others can also make paths, so, is never a comparison to herself. It had always been a comparison to general standards of what a captain class reiatsu is.

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