Trying to leave an addict I love

I was you many years ago and my advice is to break up.

I am still with my addict, but it is still painful.

They don't use opiates right now, but they are high 24/7. I've caught them buying sex. I've caught them lying and hiding Marijuana. They are constantly unhappy and I spend all day every single day questioning my worth because I'm so codependent and the mood swings make me super insecure.

Our children text me and call me while I'm gone and tell me he's mean to them or yelling at them (literally this morning).

I've become secluded from my family and friends because im afraid he'll be mad at me if I do literally anything.

I love this person, so much that it's toxic.

We split up once and i was so young and insecure that I wanted to make it work.

Now we've been together for 10 years and if we can't change I don't think we can go on much longer.

You're young. Don't settle. It's a lot of work and you can't make people change.

/r/relationship_advice Thread