Aftermath of the "your wife is home" cat video

this is a repost but this time I see it it hurts a lot

so one day I was working late and walked out on one of my co workers being sexually assaulted. I didn't know what was happening or it wasn't consensual so I just left pretending not to be noticed then they told me a few weeks later what happened and it was non consensual

then at the fucking holiday company party I see the same fucking asshole doing some touchy feely shit and his wife is right behind him. I don't like this guy anymore and I think he needs to be reported. this is not acceptable. he has a family. he has a new born. it makes me so sad for everyone involved.

but I shouldn't do anything right? like it has to be the victim that reports it right? like I wasn't there seeing the actual event occur I did see before and after but like its a he said she said and I'm not directly involved. I'm torn. I don't know what to do. the victim asked me what to do and I said I don't know but I support your decision. but I think she decided not to say anything.

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