ahh yess....

Ok, I've looked on your profile and saw "consent is bullshit" so I'm not gonna pretend like I can convince you of anything but I'm still gonna take this opportunity to expand on what I said above.

Basically, try to imagine what it would be like living as the opposite gender while still being yourself mentally, like maybe you took a magic potion or something, and now not only do you look exactly like the opposite gender, but everyone's memories have changed and they think you've always looked this way. Maybe there's some scenarios that you'd think would be fun to try out or whatever, maybe it would be fun to walk around and see if people treat you differently. Now try and imagine you're doing something boring around other people while passing off as the opposite gender, my mind jumps to doing math exercises in class but you can think of anything you want for this, would you feel comfortable? Cause for me personally if I think of this scenario where I'm doing something mind-numbing and menial while everyone around me thinks I'm a woman I would probably feel not only bored but also uncomfortable, and I feel like that hypothetical discomfort is probably what gender dysphoria feels like.

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