Why tf do they worship this obese orange?

People. You need to learn that a majority of these types of inflammatory posts are not made by trump supporters, or republicans, or democrats, or US citizens more than likely. Massive media destabilization campaigns have been running for decades by Russia, CCP, and associates/sympathizers/anti-West. The racism narrative and civil war goading is constant on US and other western medias.

Always keep this in the back of your mind before you ever let some shit like this influence your brain, beliefs, or perceptions of your neighbors/fellow countrymen.

MAJORITY of the population is normally distributed around the same ideas and feelings. These groups and the profit hungry media (that further pedals this crap to us all) would like you to think that “your group” is on one tail end and the “other group” or “bad group” is at the far other end.

Just thought I’d share as someone who has years of experience in the industry of fake online profiles and have witnessed how bad this issue has grown in the past decade. This shit is worse than any of you can imagine or I. I only know how bad it is through Indian, Israeli, and Russian Bot farms and auctions.

I just assume that atleast half of profiles are fake, probably more. If you’re on a political thread I’d bump those numbers ups depending on how crazy of an article you’re viewing.

/r/terriblefacebookmemes Thread Link - i.redd.it