I don't care if you're a leftist this is objectively shit and you're lying to yourself if you say otherwise.

Na you're just adding irrelevant details to pursue a political ideology. In the case of this meme, the fact that it advocates social progress isn't what makes the meme bad, but you're adding the "leftist" detail to add a negative connotation to leftism.

You did the exact same thing in your other post about a non binary person stealing a suitcase. The nonbinary detail had nothing to do with it, just like their hair color or favorite Italian dish would have nothing to do with it. But you added the nonbinary detail to pursue your transphobic agenda.

OP, you're just an awful person who uses logical fallacies to pursue a horrible political agenda. Come up with all the excuses you want. It won't change that you're toxic af.

/r/terriblefacebookmemes Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it