A random stranger on Facebook sent me this, so now I will use this to make upvotes!

They are kind of commenting on how sexuality never required any effort on their part it was just to stop caring about what other people did.

But trans people want their pronouns respected.

The thing is... this isn't a new concept. In 1970 if you called a women sir she would get pretty ticked at you too. Republicans have done a really great job of politicizing basic English and respect to be transphobic.

He also implies that transphobic people just had no problem with people having sexualities. When the same people who were homophobic and still are homophobic are also transphobic now.

This meme just really shows a massive disrespect for people in areas that have existed for all of society ever since gender was constructed.

/r/terriblefacebookmemes Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it