AITA for asking our nanny to stop her daily updates?

As a nanny to 3, I can say yes YTA any nanny will agree with me on that one.

We ALL record the children’s day, mine is done in a big binder in the study that’s labeled “kids”

The parents read my daily entry EVERY NIGHT when they finish, because not always, but some days there will be a fight, or someone got hurt, or they learnt a new skill and I’m just for EFFING PROUD of them I want to record it and I want the parents to feel the same.

It’s also a great indicator to the employer that you are doing what you’re employed to do and you’re not taking advantage.

It can label any difficulties the child had for the day and the accomplishments they’ve achieved.

YTA for not wanting to read all these great things your child has done throughout the day. Care more. It’s not just about the nitpicking. You’re showing a huge lack of compassion in your writing.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread