AITA for banning alcohol at Christmas? (I'm not OP, link in comments)

Even though i feel like everyone made a good point, I will agree with OP this time and this is why: If it was her turn to host Christmas all she wanted was that one day where people would not bring or drink alcohol, she is right they are making it seem like they cannot have a Christmas day without drinking and the thing that gives that impression away is simply the sister choosing to host the Holiday simply bcs OP made that no alcohol rule. It is just a rule made since she prolly wanted to have fun without alcohol involved. I can understand that point of hers since her father was an alcoholic and now they don t want to come to her house for Christmas. As for the rest of his family, a lot of options are there, non alcoholic beverages, cocktails those are interesting and tasty too. I don t really understand why they can t make that effort. I am from a country in which people drink a lot, I myself drink but if someone was to make such a rule i would be just fine with it. DISCLAIMER: just my opinion and take on the situation presented.

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