AITA for planning to call my parents out on social media the moment I move out?

Your parents are pos people that didn’t want a girl I’m sorry I know you’re nonbinary but the favoritism is obvious sexist. Have you ever thought the trauma of being told I abuse you bc you’re a girl basically and the assault is what helped you decide on nonbinary? If so i know that is to protect yourself but you shouldn’t have to and ABSOLUTELY air them out. Get videos depending if your state is one party or two for recordings and post them and the horror stories. You didn’t ask to be here they made you and then punished you for being made ? Like why ? Seriously they need to see how stupid they are and it’s going to take other family and strangers saying it evidently. Let family know little by little but only those you trust. Tell them how you’re talked to and treated so there’s a foundation of support. Good luck to you and I hope you and your bf have a great life together, you deserve it.

/r/TwoHotTakes Thread