AITA for walking out on my "best friend" of 16 years?

I’m voting NTA for the situation but honestly both of you ladies for 25 sound incredibly immature. Your friend because she is a mom that needs to have her act together but she clearly is not or is struggling through something but not wanting to confide in people over the matter. You, and I don’t mean to be hurtful or intentionally mean spirited in anywayold Your friend more than likely is going through some mental problems because it’s not normal to yo-yo up and down between angry and fine. She is also hella weird for asking you and her 13 yr old cousin to come over to spend time with her when really it sounds like she likes having y’all over to basically watch her kids so she can act out like a teenager again. I also think it’s super odd neither one of you drive. I completely understand not everyone has a car nor the means to having access to a car to learn or doesn’t have money to pay for driving lessons but still, it’s just odd. Overall my advice to you would be to write her a long message of how irrationally she was acting, tell her she is your friend and you are worried for her and her kids but also let her know you are not going to let her just walk all over you. Let her know she needs to sort out whatever is going on with her and that your are going to have to put up boundaries between her and you. Tbh I wouldn’t even want to be friends with her anymore what with the hurtful things she’s said/posted about you as well as the hurtful things her brother posted. This whole situation is goofy af.

/r/TwoHotTakes Thread