AITA for my reaction over learning about my family’s Christmas plans.

I really can’t go to anyone else, like I said I have no transport and I’m not actually all that close with anyone who could take me. I will not be allowed to do a roast for myself, the whole point is they don’t want me cooking and cleaning up after one because of the “stress” it causes them. We also already discussed Christmas back in September as I made sure to be very involved and the plan was to do the roast, we agreed on it, they knew I’d be eating with them and not only did they change the plans weeks ago without telling me but did so to something that would exclude me. I’m fine with changing things to be easier, the lack of family was fine and I was disappointed but accepting of the tree; it was deciding on having a meal that leaves me out on a family holiday without telling me when we literally live together that really stings.

/r/TwoHotTakes Thread Parent