AITA for expecting a full refund (rather than the 90% one offered) from our wedding photographer?

No one said he has insurance. Not everyone lives in a place in which house insurance is guaranteed. And even if he does have insurance, things such as his computer and camera were most definitely destroyed in the incident, and remember that the photographer was still working on the pictures while the fire started, and was likely during his working hours, as there would be a very little chance a fire would start in the middle of the night, whether it be from a fireplace or a broken bulb. So chances are, he was still processing them when the fire started, and it would be unreasonable for someone to back up their work when they were still, well, working on it, the same way in which a Skyrim player doesn’t manually save when they are completely safe and aren’t planning on leaving the game. And even if I’m entirely wrong, it is still petty and morally wrong to make someone work for you, pay for gas and time, which the 200$ that wasn’t refunded covers already, and demand it back because of a tragic accident destroying his home and property that was completely unpredicted, while OP is demanding that the photographer go against the deal they agreed on, the 90%, to give the rest back.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent