AITA for insulting my SIL after years of holding my tongue?

To be fair, she was mocking his 'masculinity' by implying he can't perform sexually. Kind of sounds like she can give it out but can't take it. But it's really hard to judge in these situations, chicken or egg. If she sensed you looked down on her initially it may have caused her to act up and fight back a little bit, her attitude might be a defense. I think people can very quickly pick up on and are actually looking for it, if someone looks down on them or sees them as lower class. But you mostly describe her actions the only 'status' thing you said was about her education level. But when I read your post again, you tried to reroute the conversation quite a few times and she is the one that kept pushing and asking questions your obviously not comfortable with - she was trying to get your fiance to compare you with other men sexually confront of your face - how can someone who finds that funny then act like the victim to your comment?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread