AITA for letting someone screw up a job after they previously reported me for mansplaining?

Since people just find any excuses to get out of working, others to avoid people thinking they don't know what they are doing.

Worked with this guy who explained everything in slow immaculate detail... And he was a perfectionist if you got something wrong he would start again, no meanly just calmly and nicely start again. Everyone in the company had dealt with him at one point or another. I had a month of him. But he didn't mean it badly outside of explaining things and he was great at his job and a love person.

Just a bit of info the office I was in also had HR and I was sitting next to them with a divider of I stood up I can see down on to the HR girls desk. HR had meeting rooms if you need to speak private but no one really cared as most of it was head payrolls is wrong points to pay slip. And HR would check something personal normally chat to me or a colleague as he sorted them

So we had this young lady start out of college and she was learning something this lovely man, we all felt her pain but what ever. She comes over after a day and complains that he is mansplaining etc etc, the HR woman replies "no he not, you not doing it right he treats everyone this way" goes off on a little rant about sexism. HR woman goes "he like that with everyone," bang on the divider because she knows I have heard everything. I pop my head up "hey is such and such always like that" I just nod "he is, sure he was here last week with me for an hour explaining the new process for "name 2 second job" I almost missed lunch..." HR look back to the girl and say "see everyone. When you get it right he will stop." She left a little defeated, I don't think she past her probation I didn't have great dealings with her but I never saw work from her but I always hear why she couldn't do it.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent