AITA For not being happy about my GF being pregnant

I said she should get a job too. We are on the same page on that part. Maybe I’m old school, but as a man I would do whatever it took to provide for my family, even if that means getting 3 jobs. That’s just the way I was raised and the way I live my life. The more you bring up your points makes me think that OP is the AH in this situation. I mean this guy got on Reddit on a throwaway account to call his pregnant Gf of 5 years, that he got pregnant, delusional and almost a thousand people have seen it and most of them are talking shit about her saying she baby trapped him. This wasn’t a one night stand, they’ve been together for 5 years. What was his end goal? Was he just keeping her around to have sex with until something better came along?

I mean you probably right, he should just abandon them. Mom and baby would probably be better off with out him in the long run and he can go be a deadbeat somewhere else. Definitely needs to make sure he is happy, fuck that kid you made and definitely fuck the girl too, she was the real asshole letting him hit it for 5 years.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent