AITA for not giving my mom my TV?

Yep. My dad give me a really nice stereo for Christmas one year and as soon as I got it home to my mom's house mom started trying to weasel it out of my room. Any time I stepped out of line losing my stereo was my punishment. Didn't get the stack of dishes done in a reasonable amount of time? No stereo for a week. Sister cried and woke mom up? Oops, there goes the stereo for another week. Sister wouldn't fall asleep for you and her crying disturbed mom? Awww, that sucks you won't have your stereo for another week.

When I was 15, my sister and I got taken out of mom's house for abuse and the first fucking thing she did was confiscate my stereo and set it up in the living room. I cannot tell you how good it felt to go in there with my social worker and take it back. 20 years later and I still get a rush of perverse joy from remembering the look of rage on her face as I unhooked it and put it in boxes.

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