AITA for not inviting a transgender acquaintance to my house with the rest of my friends?

ESH, sorry for the bad english

I understand that the words can cause harm to the person, but outright calling someone a bigot for saying dude or bro is fucked up, that is if all the information is provided and is correct. The reason it is so bad is because it doesn't allow room for a conversation (which is the most important thing in this scenario imo) and labels them as something they may not be. If I was in your scenario I'd be careful as there is no point in making someone feel bad for just some words, even if you agree with the lifestyle or not it is simply better for the collective as you are sacrificing minor comfort for alot of trouble and discomfort, not making that decision makes you TA aswell. If you don't want to lose that comfort u can choose not to be around that person, especially in a public setting, as I think you should some what hope to get as comfortable as u want in ur home though this point I'm not too sure about.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread