AITA for not paying my cousin’s college tuition?

NTA I would stop enabling them and ask your family to stop enabling them too.

Tell your Gma -- now that everyone else is in good financial condition, can she please, for everyone's sake, stop sacrificing herself trying to fill a leaky bucket. It will never be filled and they can only plug the leak once they learn to manage their own lives. Enabling them will mean that will never happen.

Ultimately it is up to your Gma to stop doing this. Tell Gma that she can't fix their lives any more than she use the bathroom for them. They need to do it for themselves.

You also have to consider that this money is the consolidation of your husband's family's time and work over years and perhaps generations. Syphoning that off to enable your relatives' laziness and greed is an insult to them really. Their wealth is not a horn of plenty creating money from thin air.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread