AITA for not paying for extra costs of our vacations?

ESH. Since it’s a family vacation why was she the only one browsing for accommodations at the beach. Why didn’t you both look for them. She was right about being not proactive.

And when she complained about it. You suddenly became proactive and went ahead with booking the place without consulting her. Her not liking the location, that is on her. I feel that you were pissed at her because you went ahead and booked it and she shut it down. So you are upset and decided fine you do the booking then. The situation was created that made you wash your hands off the matter.

However if you didn’t book it and had consulted her about it and she shot it down. You probably wouldn’t be as pissed and would have been more proactive in looking for other choices instead of leaving it entirely to her again.

So yeah ESH. Feels like it’s a cause and effect situation.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread