AITA for not treating my gf better?

here is my rant about my boyfriend, ill leave my side of the relationship drama here since it is public now. He begged me to move in with him, leave my apartment, which at the i was not comfortable with. I had a life changing accident that partially disabled me, but i still went to work. My boyfriend constantly put pressure on me to move in claiming " i would not have to pay bills"...i reluctantly moved in. Months later my father passes away - i find him dead and im devastated. My boyfriend says he deserved to die then cheated on addition i got a decent paying job working remotely where i spoiled him and helped him financially when he was dead ass broke and in bankruptcy- he then sold his house and banked.. I had to take off work to help him moved and i was written up and eventually quit the job due to my aggravated injuries following the move- which he hardly lifted a finger when he and i moved in our new apt because he wanted to "be left alone " while he played video games on his new pc. Everyday he spitefully leaves a mess of empty mountain dew bottles, candy wrappers, uneaten food, garbage and when i ask him to help he says he are fighting. I did everything i could to get the house in order while trying to recover from severe swelling of my spine and neck. I had to return to PT and treat my injuries and was advised not to work in front of computer as it aggravated my migraines /visual problems from my concussion and neck/nerve spasms, and was still recovering from a vein surgery so i could not return to full time work. All the while i still worked part time after 2 months unemployed to try and catch up to my own bills. My boyfriend refuses even when i had a job to clean up after himself. I do all the cooking, cleaning, and run the errands. When he says im ungrateful it's because i told him recently i would have rather had some help paying my bills rather than lavish gifts so i can return to school ( i owe them some money) Did i also mention that he has threatened me on many occassions that if i continue to work in bars or restaurants he would break up with me because its not a real job. I applied for medical insurance through the state when i was unemployed due to the pandemic and when it came time for a renewal they asked if i had any income and automatically gave me food stamps to assist with financials. Bear in mind the money lent does not compare to what he has spent on strippers and prostitutes. There are many things i have forgiven and tolerated in our relationship, including threats to my family and friends and other things i cannot mention on a public forum. Im just saying i see lots of other woman supported when they are down and out of luck or just out of kindness and love. He seems to think everything is about money, but i have told him before when i win my settlement from the car accident i will pay him back. I do not ask him to help with my bills ordinarily but it was a suggestion ---instead of buying me something expensive or booking some expensive trip i would rather a car payment be made to ease my mind so i could enjoy myself on my birthday. All the gifts in the last few months are his way of making it better after cheating and putting through sheer hell mentally.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent