NTA but I’m just sharing that my cull rate for documentaries is about 30 - 50%. Example, 2000 photos, I’d deliver 1,500-1,200. For weddings in particular, even the meh shots are still fun for the clients to look through. The trick is to separate them into multiple galleries based on sections of the day: ex; getting ready, ceremony, group photos, reception, photographer’s choice.
What usually gets culled is only misfires, test shots, and reducing duplicates. We only post our best work on our socials while the clients do whatever they want so I don’t see the harm.
All in all though, every photographer has their methods and nothing wrong with it if you want a tighter leash on quality control. I personally don’t feel as precious about the set because I loved going through the B reel of my own wedding and it was nice seeing the outtakes play out it’s story.