AITA for reporting my professor

Either NAH or ESH. People who are saying YTA clearly don’t remember what it’s like to be in school or just aren’t familiar with academia.

Part of being a professor is teaching. It isn’t a job with set hours other than you have to be in class, and outside of the classroom, you still need to have time you’re available. If she is holding office hours (which is 100% a required part of her contract) but NOT answering questions, she is absolutely being unprofessional. The sole purpose of office hours is to allow students a set time that they know the professor will be available to ask questions. Also requiring an appointment for additional questions is very fair as long as she’s accommodating, and even asking for specific topics (NOT specific questions) is fair to give her time to prepare. Realistically, at 29, she doesn’t have a ton more knowledge than you, and needs to brush up to be able to clearly explain things to you.

I’m leaning more towards ESH, because if she’s bending the rules for others but not for you, then likely there is a reason for it with your attitude, but at the end of the day, you’re a student and she’s a professor. If she’s unable to remain professional and treat everyone equally, that’s a problem.

At the end of the day, she’s being a terrible professor. Maybe you can go on about ‘rules’ and ‘work hours’ but professors need to create an environment conducive to learning. She isn’t doing that. I have 100% reported professors for similar behavior. Universities want students to thrive and flexibility and understanding is a basic requirement of that. If she’s unable to, she’s better suited for a military school, not a public school, and quite frankly, at 29, there’s no way she has tenure, so complaints like this mean she’s unlikely to have a very successful academic career unless she REALLY changes her attitude.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread