AITA for telling everyone about bad sex

If that were true (brace yourself for a thing you don't want to hear), you wouldn't have listened to your brother. The kid was psyched about finally getting some, Guys get teased relentlessly at that age if still a Virgin. He didn't, from what I see in the post, shame you about YOUR bodily functions or YOUR sexual professionalism (NOBODY is an expert at 17). He didn't speak on YOUR business, specifically to embarrass YOU. He spoke on HIS as he was just proud of himSELF and you got embarrassed in the process, for what? Doing it? Like every other 17 year old?... it's not like he told people you're gross or that you were BAD etc etc. Sounds like he inadvertently embarrassed you so you did it to him on purpose out of spite. That's not a thing people do to people they like. He didn't tell his friends about the encounter in a "go git her" sort of way.

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