AITA for waking my girlfriend up because our son was crying?

Don't know if anyone else has suggested this yet but in case they haven't...

My mum had similar issues with me when I was a baby - she'd feed me, and I would only latch for about 2 minutes and then fall asleep. She thought I was fine, went back to bed, but half an hour later I'd start up again.

She went to the paediatric clinic and asked the doctor if something was wrong with me for it to happen, and the doctor advised her to hold me away from her body as she fed me, as her body heat might cause me to fall asleep mid-feed and I wasn't getting enough to satisfy my hungry baby stomach. She tried it and it worked a treat!

Other things to try are euan (the little sheep that simulates womb sounds, I see ads for it all the damn time), or a little baby hot water bottle.

I hope you and your partner catch a break on the baby front soon - and always remember you made this little one together so you both get the good and the bad that come along. Be strong together.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent