AITA my boyfriend wont let me get a breast reduction?

NTA but I do want to chime in on this. My girlfriend wanted implants but I didn’t want her to get them. Not because I didnt want her to get a bigger set of breast (I love big breasts), but it was more because I wanted her to be happy with her own body. I didn’t want her to cave into the pressure of society because I loved her for her personality, intelligence and caring nature.

I thought I was being supportive because I wanted her to be happy without having to change her body but at the end of the day, it’s her choice whether she wants bigger breasts or smaller breasts. Just want to chime in as a guy who did not agree with his girlfriend regarding breast size adjustments.

OP, you know your boyfriend better than all of us. Most of us thinks you are NTA. But do you think your bf is the AH?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent