AITB for talking to another girl in front of my ex when I ran into her for the first time in years?

Info: When we last saw each other, eight years ago, I asked Anna what we were up to and if anything was going to happen or if I was wasting my time. She said no, I’m loyal to my husband, and besides you still talk too much. And that really stung, because I know I talk a lot, it’s who I am, I’ve tried to change ever since childhood but it’s just who I am; I deal with it by having lots of friends and not spending too much time with any one person and a lot of time online so nobody gets sick of me. I remember one summer barbecue when Anna was talking to my family and they all laughed together about how I’ve always talked too much.

New girl, Brittany, well after Anna left we kept talking and I told her a lot of stories, at some point I apologized and said I know I talk too much, her response was she likes to listen and enjoys what I have to say. So just a really stark contrast.

Also, Anna has kind of let herself go a bit, and I’m definitely not at my peak either but I’ve been losing weight and running more and while I’m still on the heavy side, I’ve got a lot of energy and I don’t look too bad. Brittany is a beautiful fit 23 year old so it’s like a pronounced contrast in every way. My one friend thinks the fact she gave me her number and said “it was nice to meet you” about four times in the parking lot means I shouldn’t worry about her boyfriend, and my other friend says she most likely did that and gave me a fake number because she’s not available. She’s probably right and I’m just a delusional fat middle aged man making an ass of myself in front of the one that got away.

/r/AmItheButtface Thread