AITB for telling a girl she can’t say she’s black?

Just to have a serious Black person to Black person conversation as I’m sure a lot of this is ⚪️ people who don’t understand the NUANCE of what you are TRYING to say. You are wrong for saying she isn’t Black. If she is visibly a Black biracial person, if she is phenotypically Black, if she is racialised as a Black person without having to show pictures of her grandparents, then yes she is Black.

The nuance people are missing here is that in regards to the conversation about Megan: she herself said she did not experience racism UNTIL SHE CAME TO THE UK. It is frustrating as dark skinned Monoracial Black people to have biracials who are clearly darker than Megan pretend they have similar experiences to her. People watched Megan on suits for years not noticing she was Black. I can assume from your post that this classmate deals with significantly less confusion on that part than Megan ever did.

On this point what you SHOULD have said to your classmate was that. That being biracial means her experiences with racism are different to yours. You don’t need to undermine her Blackness to point that out.

I also would just avoid having these conversations at all in mixed company. We live in a world where racism is being bastardised to cover anyone with a single grandparent who isn’t Scandinavian. So a conversation about differing experiences between a Black biracial and a Black monoracial are near impossible to have in mixed company.

You should speak to her in private and explain that you understand she is Black and that you misspoke (I don’t care if you believe it or not, it needs to be said) and that you were meaning to reference your differing experiences but you’re sorry that you spoke in a harmful way to her. Then maybe join all Black spaces where you can learn how to speak to others within our community about the nuances of our lives without jumping straight to “you aren’t Black”

/r/AmItheButtface Thread