AITB for mentioning "plus size?"

Yeah, I completely get that I must have embarrassed her. I didn't include it in the original post, because I didn't want to get bogged down in details or defenses, but part of why I went ahead and mentioned that it was for plus size women, is because my husband has a habit of saying things like "Why don't we go check that out?" or "I'll buy you one" when I mention things are cute. I was a little afraid of that here, and I was trying to head of any awkward explanation of why he shouldn't take me shopping at Torrid. I felt like having to explain that the store wasn't for me would have felt like I was fat shaming her by more specifically comparing me to her... sort of like "No, I don't have to go to the store she shops at, I'm not big!" I thought just addressing that it was a plus size store from the beginning would save us from a faux pas... I guess I was wrong.

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