Ex-suicidal people of reddit, what saved you? And what keeps you going now?

I should probably use a throwaway for this but I won't because I guess everything I have done has been a learning experience and maybe I will help someone along the way.

About 4 years ago I was in a bad relationship that was very mentally exhausting and mentally abusive. I

Toward what I would later deem the end of our "relationship" we went out one night and had a few beers on a friends boat. When we were getting ready to leave, my boyfriend asked me to drive. It took no more than about 3 miles for us to both realize I shouldn't be driving, when he got really nasty to me and I pretty much told him that if he was so sober then maybe he should drive, I pulled the car over, got out of the driver seat, got into the back seat; watched him get into the driver seat and we took off.

He started yelling and screaming about I don't even remember what. He argued back an forth for a bit and then he just got really nasty. At one point he told me to just kill myself, to jump out of the car, whatever I had to do.

So in a half drunken state, I opened his door and leapt out of the car that was going about 60mph down a major highway.

I remember very very little. I remember my legs hitting the ground, and I remember him coming running at me screaming "What did you do?????"

In that moment, with him yelling at me and me having had a few drinks, I wanted to get away from him and when he wouldn't stop the car to let me out, apparently I let myself out.

I had extensive injuries. I had road rash all over my face, my back, my feet (I had had sandals on), my butt, my hands and arms. I had a double concussion from my brain bouncing off the front of my skull and then the back, or maybe vice versus, they're not 100% sure. My front teeth broke and so did my nose. One of my teeth that broke went through my top lip causing a massive hole through the skin right below my nose. The Dr. cut a chunk of my top lip out all the way from my lip up to my right nostril, essentially having almost the same operation someone would who was born with a cleft lip, and having the same outcome after the surgery.

I live with a lot of scars. The biggest one being me missing a great portion of my upper lip. I make due with what's left and honestly my plastic surgeon did a great job all things considered. I've learned to do my make up in a way that most people can't tell I have scaring from my lip into my nose and am able to make some decent looking lips with glosses and stains for my lips.

I am very happy with my life now and am so glad I met my new partner who is so good to me that I just can't love him enough for all he's done to make me feel loved and special after I was treated so poorly.

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