Al Iaquinta explains why he left UFC fighter retreat: "Fucking pay me. I don’t give a fuck about Snoop Dogg. Pay me. I’m hurt, I’m tired. Fuck you. Fuck you, how about that?”

Aw, princess. Frozen mango margaritas? I'm so sorry they put you through this, sweetheart!

Getting punched in the face for a living is kind of different, though. If you got punched in the face or kicked in the head for a living, you might be a bit more justified in saying "Fuck you, pay me." You might be able to expect better treatment from your boss if you were doing that shit for a living.

Like personally I make (on average) $150k per year. If you wanted me to do what Al does? Get in a cage and bash some dude or get bashed by him? I'm not doing that for less than $300k per fight. Because if I'm successful I'm going to be doing what, two fights per year? 4x my current income seems like a reasonable demand then, considering that the life of a pro fighter is easily 4x as unpleasant as my life is. And maybe I won't be successful at all and will just get fucked up and have to retire after a few fights. But if I'm going to have to deal with pictures of me with a black eye and a smashed lip being on national TV, if I'm going to have to deal with idiots on Reddit talking shit every time I get rocked in a fight or in training, I'm not budging for less than 4x what I make right now. Even then I would be pretty uncomfortable with it, because I don't want to go get myself a traumatic brain injury and damage my memory.

Being a pro fighter is an exceptionally arduous job. They can and should expect exceptionally good renumeration.

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