How can we lock our bedroom door from the outside so our roommate doesn’t steal from us?

Definitely something to consider, although I doubt she will go to such great lengths. I just think she’s a bit of a kleptomaniac, and we are going away for a week so didn’t want her going through our shit.

She makes over 6 figs and we are college students, don’t have anything big she could take, just wanted to keep her from her habits. She just steals things like our tide pods to keep in a ziplock bag in her room, or take a roll of toilet paper to keep. Things like that... but still, the deadbolt is something to consider. Do you think she could open the door with a credit card even with the type of door we have? Idk how to explain it but see first pic. The space between the door and door frame is covered by this paneling type thing.

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