To all those complaining about double skip nades, Nightstalker ability spam etc in Crimson Doubles, this is what the sub has been screaming for in D2 PvP

Someone on this sub once said, If ppl just stand in one place and shoot everything will become OP

How to handle nades

  • if the target player is throwing a nade, they aren't shooting at you.
  • If you're shooting at them while they are not shooting you, they are taking damage and you aren't yet from them.
  • If you are jumping away from where they are throwing, you'll,
    1. Not be in the target area from when they threw it, and
    2. be a safe enough distance to either run away completely, or be watching the scatters get stuck behind something and not come flying at you.
  • Best case scenario? you killed the person throwing and the grenade missed you.
  • Worst case? you killed them and might have a sliver of health..
  • Otherwise? you're both so weak that you either charge each other with gunplay or both run away.
/r/DestinyTheGame Thread