To all those who fight with honor and hate cliff throwing and 2v1s...

It's the sound my words made when the flew so far up above your head.

My whole point was that you can love the salt and pwn the noobs, and that you should most definitely totally not go easy on them. However, if you want this game to succeed, what you can do to help is that after roflstomping them good a few times and seeing that they can't handle it, just stay polite and don't make them so frustrated that they leave the game.

You can say "they should get better" or "they should learn to control their emotions" ALL DAY LONG if you want, but that will not, at all, ever, fucking change the fact that we lost a player as a result of your actions. If you're nice instead, and maybe even sometimes go out of your way to hit that "Good Fight!" and "Wow!" thing once in a while when you see them learning or improving something, then as a result of your actions we probably gained one more player motivated to learn and get better.

That's on YOU. That's what YOU can do to make the game better, and still win and have fun in the process. It's definitely on them for getting salty, but spamming "git gud" and trolling them and laughing at them will never, ever, improve things, and it's very rare that those things will motivate someone to get better.

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