What heroes do you think are OP

All heros are good and bad in there own way..

It's the player that I get concerned about.

If you get matched up with a rep 70 Raider and all hese doing is stun tapping... That Raiders gonna have a bad time.

Now if hese utilizing the Raiders kit with full potential.. then I'm in for a good fight. .

Say if you're fighting a Hito. And the Hito is clearly loosing the fight... So they start light spamming. Those are the people I feel bad for.

Now the people that use Hito or Raider. And like I said use there kit to that heros potential.. that's when I respect a person in game. And they can become op.

I had a dominion match, other team was breaking. Only a JJ left. I'm guessing he figured out who was stupid and who was smart with there hero. He was getting ganked I was watching from the side lines... He strictly light spammer the Orochi. Double feinted x Stan Regen x heavy against the Raider and law bringer. And then when it came to me. He was using JJs weapon like a fucking fan. He was feinting dodging. Left right center. He put up a really good fight..he did loose but that was OP and boss.

/r/forhonor Thread