This is all I have to say whenever Garry points to player count

Alright I'm just gunna pick your retarded ass apart because you're being obnoxious and nobody likes that.

1)Items are supposed to have value. Everyone understands this, nobody on this fucking subreddit thinks they should spawn with an AK and a full kit.

2)That being said, you just don't seem to understand is that it is a problem if things are TOO VALUABLE

3) IDK where you get off telling me, or anyone else, how they feel. Look at my fucking profile My first 1500 hours were on vanilla. I've fucking farmed almost 3 million wood at 25 a pop for over 2 thousand hours. I understand the differences between vanilla and modded. I understand the nuances of this game. I'm good at it, and I play it a lot.

4) Performance in this game is total fucking dogshit. You say you like taking a whole fucking week to setup? MOST SERVERS CAN'T LAST ANY LONGER THAN THAT.

5) Why do you assume I play solo? I'm going to be playing next wipe w/a group and I'll be documenting all the stupid fucking shit that needs to be fixed.

"learn to make friends", lol.

Learn to not sound like you have an extra chromosome you fucking poop cutter.

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