[ALL]I wish the gods would allow Futurama to become a netflix original.

I just wrote a show plot in 15 minutes. I think it's futurama quality. i don't want them to focus on the cast as much as i want the cast to be put into hypothetical semi-futuristic situations. So Off the top of my head,

The gang is reintroduce with the same scene that they used in comedy central's reintroduction, only this time, they're like, "WTF!!! this can't be happening again. Don't you think people are tired of us. The last season finale was perfect.". Then show the professer in the corner counting a large bail of money" where he says, "Good news everyone. There has been a change of plans."

Cut to crynogenic lab, where a group of men in black suites are waiting, stairing at the clock like school children waiting for class to let out. It dings, the doctor tries to open the door to the crynotube, but the guard shoot him. They open the crynotube door, and its Bill gates! He was frozen in time like fry.

Bill gates has proof that he is the actual owner of Moms corp. He puts mom out on the streets. Mom moves to a far away planet and opens a brothel for robots and starts slinging cheap oil made from 3rd world children infused with anchovies to run him out of business. The professer state's the gang has to deliver goods to the very same planet. Upon arrival, they are shown the beautiful planet, the nice stores and wonderful robots. The children singing a song to the flag of mom, "our beloved leader is wise. She is gentle, kind and strong. We wish her joy, we wish her peace, we wish her love. And the one thing in our time we wish more than this... Is for bill gates to explode into hell". Leela and fry are once again put into slavery. Bender this time, is put into a toture room for interigation. Where the three sons start chopping off his limbs. They are about to cut off his head, when mom arrives, give them the symbolic slaps to the face. She then says, he hooks up to the computer. She hacks the bill gates corporation, to steal some secret files. Thats when bill gate's robots start to attack the planet.

At this point Mom and her sons grab bender and make a run to the gang's spaceship. The gang's slave drivers are killed instantly when the robots arrived, and they make a run to their spaceship too.

They go to the distant planet, and find two red green blue and yellow tubes. They open it tubes. Its sergie and larry. Some characters chime in, "You can't release them, they will destroy the world." Mom confesses some flashback says, who do you think put them there. She wakes them both up.

Upon release, Everything they say is synchronized, "You should not have awaken us" "We were at peace inside the tube" "You should not have awaken us". The ground starts shaking, and green robots rise out of the dirt like zombies. Everyone runs back to the ship, bender doesn't make it. His silver body is turning green. He is now under the control of sergie and larry.

The gang manages to get off of the planet. But it isn't long until a fleet of robots are right behind them. They try to outrun them, but it is no use. They are too fast. They about to be killed when they notice all the robots fly by them. They are on their way to earth. Leela is confused and asks mom, "Why didn't they attack us". They don't care about us, they want to destroy the biggest technology giants in the world. She smiles, "Go to earth".

Upon arriving, there is a battle between the two giants armies of robots with bill gates battling sergie and larry at the same time with lightsabes. Mom hovers right above them. The gang is speechless at the size of the army and the death toll that has occured. Mom says to steadies the ship, then calmly says, "Peanutbutter jelly time". At that moment, "Her boys stop talking, and like robots grab 1 sniper gun each off the wall close by. The line up their shots, and simultaniously shoot bill gates, larry, and sergie. All three are knocked out and lay on the ground. Mom lands the ship. She gets out and grabs the bodies, and places them in their designated crynotubes. Mom takes control of the robots again, and resumes head of company. end of show.

/r/netflix Thread