@alot of you guys

My effective tax rate this past year was 6.2% (effective tax rate is not the same as your tax bracket, just so we are clear). It is extremely likely under Bernie I would pay an effective tax rate higher than 12.4%. If I am wrong, please correct me so I can change my viewpoint.

Though the issue is not specifically in these particulars, it is the overall theme of moving power out of the hands of individuals and into the hands of the government. Thus transitioning society into a state where individuals begin to rely more so on the government rather than themselves. This cannot be allowed to happen, because it will not stop until the government has complete control over ever aspect of life and individuals will have to rely solely on the state.

Socialism has always been a transition step between capitalism and communism. I don’t care how “democratic” one’s flavor of socialism is. Venezuela’s socialism was democratic, and then the state seized power over all aspects of life. While capitalism is clearly not a perfect system, it is infinitely better than a communist / socialist system in my opinion.

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