"The alt-right is more than warmed-over white supremacy. It’s that, but way way weirder."

and laser-like focus on suicide vests and stoning.

Right, how crazy of me to focus on silly little things like stoning women to death for adultery in the name of religion which are unique to islam.

You even tried to portray violence as a unique feature of Islam among Eastern religions,

The way you excuse viciousness hatred and cruelty in the name of poltical correctness is absolutely sickening. Islam is BY FAR the most hateful, bigoted, and disgustingly violent religions on planet earth. Somehow you seem to think the teachings of buddha have laws about stoning women for adultery too because having brown people represent the absolute worst of something is racist!

I haven't implied anywhere that all criticism of Islam is motivated by racism,

That is your only argument. You literally said criticism of islam was RACIST. After all, if it's not racist and there are no brown victims for you to infantilize then why in the fuck would you even care if anyone criticized a sickening toxic, hateful religion like islam?

then call Muslims savages

Holy fuck I think you genuinely have some kind of mental disorder. Calling someones BEHAVIOR savagery is not the fucking same as calling someone a savage. You need this to be true though so you can scream that I'm a racist because you have literally no other rational arguments to defend the indefensible.

"it is justifiable to treat Turkish Muslims like shit because Iraqi Muslims are cunts"

WHO IN THE FUCK EVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT TREATING MUSLIMS LIKE SHIT??! Again, you desperately, ,desperately need a racist boogeyman to tear down otherwise your argument is meaningless. Pathetic.

India criminalized homosexuality in 2013, where Lebanon and Jordan legalized it in 2014.

"Oh, it's not big deal because other people did it a little bit too". This is your argument.

I don't "worship" Muslims or hate Christians as you say, I recognize nuances and discrepancies across cultures. India criminalized homosexuality in 2013, where Lebanon and Jordan legalized it in 2014. Homosexuality is technically illegal in Buddhist-majority Singapore, legal in the despotic Sharia hellhole of Indonesia, and definitely really illegal in Buddhist-majority Myanmar. Afghanistan elected a woman to the head of state decades before the US would have its first woman appointed to the Supreme Court.

Right. Dislking gay people is the ONLY thing that is hateful and violent about islam. Then you use the same it's okay because other people do it too argument. Holy fuck you're delusional.

we don't get to condemn Albanian Muslims because a bunch of Muslims in Indonesia are pricks.

All muslims believe the same hate fueled barbaric insanity. The vast majority of them want you dead because of it.

Jesus Christ, you're going to bat for mass murderers because they aren't Muslims.

Unlike you I am not "going to bat" for fucking anyone you deluded fucking moron. Just recognizing the reality that islam is a toxic hate filled barbaric religion and muslims are are slaughtering people in the name of this disgusting garbage. Of course you are so desperate to victim worship that you will give up your core beliefs to excuse the most vicious hatred and violence on the planet.

PS I am now blocking you so you can go back to your safe space so you can come up with more excuses for insane violence and hate.

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