I Am No Longer Certain of What Magic Is

The method by which magick operates, renders it almost impossible to show anyone that it exists.

It's something that has to be experienced. I could show the workings I've done and explain the results but to someone else they might largely be seen to be coincidences.

If you ask a bunch of occultists what magick is then I honestly wouldn't be shocked if you got a different answer from each of them. Some of them will see it as energy work. Some working with spirits. Some will bust out Crowley's definition. Some will see it as dieties providing.

I view the world as non dual, I don't however experience the world as non dual in a constant state, I'm working on that. From that stance there is a fundamental nature from which all things arise and are composed of. The universe is essentially a lila. When you take that view, which can be confirmed through practices such as meditation, yoga or certain entheogens then it's hard to say that you're doing anything more than tapping into your deeper nature and evoking change in the lila, yes in accordance with your will. It also neatly accommodates all forms of working.

But the results are recordable. I can pass details of rituals or workings over to others and have them produce similar results. There is an element of science to it, but synchronicity is incredibly easy to discredit.

Using magick for instance to get a job and then you getting it in favour of all the other applicants, there's no way to show it was magick that caused the effect.

Scrying enochian aethyrs could be disregarded as having an active imagination and synchronicities between images viewed and future events disregarded as coincidence.

It's something that becomes clear through experience. You can't make someone that perceives the world to be inherently dualistic realise that it's non dual (without slipping them a sizable dose of something like dmt, but even that could be dismissed as issues in brain chemistry) experience of non dual states is the only way you can recognise it as truth. Experience of magick is also the only way to recognise it as truth.

/r/occult Thread