I am not an American and I want to study in the USA,Canada,any country speak english tbh and I need a 100% scholarship.

Not going to lie, it's very,very,very competitive for scholarships let alone for full funding unless you are a genius. Look into what schools you want to go to and contact them to see what scholarships they offer to foreign students. Being a non citizen, you are not qualified for federal funded scholarships or grants, that leaves out most state scholarships as they do want to make sure residents get the aid they need. I don't want to discourage you but you most likely not get a scholarship to fully cover everything. Just apply to as many as you can and hopefully you will get something. My cousin is a foreign student got a $25,000 scholarship (she applied to over 40 scholarships got two of them) still had to pay $30,000 (she went to Yale).

/r/college Thread