I Am Not A Pretty Little Liar, a powerful account from the other student (not Mattress Girl) who filed a sexual assault complaint against Columbia's Paul Nungesser. "Even if you don’t believe me I don’t care. I didn’t report him for you.”

Don’t forget: before he appealed away the conviction, Paul Nungesser was found responsible for sexually assaulting a woman at Columbia. And I’m writing this because that woman was me.

That's not how appeals work.

If you’re reading this and doubting Emma—if you’re reading this and doubting me—please ask yourself why I’m taking the time to write this.

The same reason all people do dumb shit and lie to get famous.

If you didn't read it this is the paragraph where she details the incident:

The incident happened my junior year at Columbia, when Paul followed me upstairs at a party, came into a room with me uninvited, closed the door behind us, and grabbed me. I politely said, “Hey, no, come on, let’s go back downstairs.” He didn’t listen. He held me close to him as I said no, and continued to pull me against him. I pushed him off and left the room quickly. I told a few friends and my boyfriend at the time how creepy and weird it was. I tried to find excuses for his behavior. I did a decent job of pushing it out of my mind.

He grabbed her and held her close.

This paragraph is funny:

The reason I’m writing this anonymously is because of what happens to people like Emma, who speak out. Their names are plastered on disgusting posters on their graduation day. They’re inundated with violent threats and graphic comments every time they log into their email and check their Facebook. They’re forever associated with something that happened to them; not their achievements or accomplishments or talents.

If you change Emma's name to Paul, it still fits. And it would be Paul if luck hadn't gone his way.

/r/TrueReddit Thread Link - jezebel.com